The technology & security foundations of PiCockpit

I was asked to elaborate a bit about the security & technology foundations of PiCockpit. The parts which are involved PiCockpit consists of several parts: picockpit-client picockpit-frontend picockpit-backend picockpit-api (“papi”) the database the MQTT server the picockpit Package repository The MQTT server Data between the picockpit-frontend and picockpit-client is exchanged using the MQTT server (called…


PiCockpit v2.0 released – amazing new features!

Yesterday, on the 6th of October 2020, we have released the new version of PiCockpit – which has many new, exciting features. And best of all: PiCockpit continues to be free of charge (as in free beer), for up to 5 Raspberry Pis! Get started for free today. What is PiCockpit is an easy…


secure command execution with Python: subprocess.Popen

Security is important for me while developing the picockpit-client. The following applies to Linux systems (but probably is applicable to all Unix like systems, including macOS) Python allows to run external commands using the subprocess module. import subprocess In the upcoming version of PiCockpit, users will be able to create their own buttons (simply editing…

Weiterlesen new version v.0.11.0 is live!

This new version of supports live streaming of MQTT measurement data from your Pi to your webinterface (desktop or mobile). By clicking on the info icon, you can see the public and private IPs, the serial number and the Pi model: The online state of the Pi is displayed with the online badge. Currently…


PiCockpit preview: Sensors

Preview This is in the upcoming version of PiCockpit: All these values are updated live (currently each second) using MQTT messages to PiCockpit. The value for Root partition total available is static, as it is the total size of the root partition. Some values are rendered in a prettier (but less precise) view in the…


First message from picockpit client rendered!

Today, 7.8.2019, at around 18:16 the code is in place for the first message to have been rendered:   Thus the Pi “Alexander” is shown as online. Thanks to the magic of vue.js, MQTT, VerneMQ, AdminLTE, Crystal Lang, Python, Paho, AXIOS and much much more! This is the effort of around 320 hours of work…
