npm Webpack code ELIFECYCLE errno 1

When building the PiCockpit frontend code (which is packaged using Webpack) on a different computer, I ran into the following issue: cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack –progress –hide-modules –mode=productiontype: ‘object’,additionalProperties: true,properties: {apply: {description: ‘The run point of the plugin, required method.’,instanceof: ‘Function’,tsType: “(compiler: import(‘../lib/Compiler’)) => void”}},required: [ ‘apply’ ]}},title: ‘WebpackOptions’,description: ‘Options object as provided by the user.’,type:…


Synchronizing file uploads between browser windows

For PiCockpit, I am currently developing the Digital Nose app. This app requires an upload for the BSEC configuration file – which is binary data. Once the user uploads the file, it gets published via MQTT, and picockpit-client can use it to configure the BSEC AI algorithm to do gas detection. Here is a little…
