npm Webpack code ELIFECYCLE errno 1

When building the PiCockpit frontend code (which is packaged using Webpack) on a different computer, I ran into the following issue: cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack –progress –hide-modules –mode=productiontype: ‘object’,additionalProperties: true,properties: {apply: {description: ‘The run point of the plugin, required method.’,instanceof: ‘Function’,tsType: “(compiler: import(‘../lib/Compiler’)) => void”}},required: [ ‘apply’ ]}},title: ‘WebpackOptions’,description: ‘Options object as provided by the user.’,type:…


enabling and disabling a systemd service in Python using DBus

The upcoming picockpit-client reacts to deletion events from the frontend by disabling it’s service (the application will stay installed, however). Similarly, when you decide to run picockpit-client connect again, the service will be re-enabled and started automatically for you. This is possible using the Python DBus interface. the DBus is a bus system for interacting…
