PiCockpit v2.0 released – amazing new features!

Yesterday, on the 6th of October 2020, we have released the new version of PiCockpit – which has many new, exciting features. And best of all: PiCockpit continues to be free of charge (as in free beer), for up to 5 Raspberry Pis! Get started for free today. What is picockpit.com? PiCockpit is an easy…


Entscheidung für Raspberry Pi als Embedded Development-Plattform

Als einer der approved Raspberry Pi Reseller, und einem offiziellen Reseller der Pi Zero Serie (wir waren übrigens der erste auf dem europäischen Festland) mit starken technischen Kompetenzen rund um die Raspberry Pi Plattform möchten wir Sie bei Ihrer Entscheidung für oder gegen die Plattform unterstützen, und einige immer wieder kehrende Fragen beantworten. Die Abbildung…


enabling and disabling a systemd service in Python using DBus

The upcoming picockpit-client reacts to deletion events from the frontend by disabling it’s service (the application will stay installed, however). Similarly, when you decide to run picockpit-client connect again, the service will be re-enabled and started automatically for you. This is possible using the Python DBus interface. the DBus is a bus system for interacting…


Raspbian SSH Server fails after upgrade from Stretch to Buster (no SSH connection)

I used this excellent guide to update my Raspbian from Stretch to Buster: https://pimylifeup.com/upgrade-raspbian-stretch-to-raspbian-buster/ After rebooting my Pi, the SSH connection was gone. Logging into the Pi using the attached keyboard and monitor allowed me to debug the issue: service ssh status journalctl -u ssh -n 200 “Missing privilege separation directory /run/sshd” This directory needs…


Historische Texte

Als Teil der Überarbeitung der pi3g.com Webseite, in Vorbereitung auf den Launch der Google Coral.AI und AIY Produktreihe, habe ich unsere Webseite auf Englisch umgestellt. Hier als Referenz einige der Texte die wir früher hatten: Wir sind als Raspberry Pi Foundation approved reseller, sowie einer von zwei deutschen Pi Zero Distributoren Ihr starker Partner rund…



20.888 is the total number of Raspberry Pi we (pi3g e.K.) sold last year (2019). Thank you to all our customers, resellers and partners.


TermiShell: a web-based shell for the Raspberry Pi (development notes)

Introduction In the course of development of PiCockpit, I am going to add a web-based Terminal called TermiShell. TermiShell icon, by: Stephanie Harvey via unsplash.com TermiShell is going to allow you to log into your Raspberry Pi using PiCockpit.com (and the picockpit-client) – no additional application required on either side. This should be very comfortable,…


Use PiCan GPS with an external antenna

the PiCan GPS uses this chip: https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/datasheets/GlobalTop-FGPMMOPA6H-Datasheet-V0A.pdf it has a Built-in 15X15X2.5mm ceramic patch antenna on the top of module and Automatic antenna switching function An external antenna can be attached to the PiCan 2 GPS. Page 17 of the Datasheet has recommended specs for this external antenna. The antenna should be switched to automatically,…
