TermiShell: a web-based shell for the Raspberry Pi (development notes)

Introduction In the course of development of PiCockpit, I am going to add a web-based Terminal called TermiShell. TermiShell icon, by: Stephanie Harvey via unsplash.com TermiShell is going to allow you to log into your Raspberry Pi using PiCockpit.com (and the picockpit-client) – no additional application required on either side. This should be very comfortable,…


Creating configuration files in /etc in Debian packages

I am currently working on an updated picockpit-client version, which should add additional configuration files in /etc/picockpit-client for the individual modules (PiDoctor & PiControl). picockpit-client is a Raspbian package for picockpit.com, linking the Web platform with your individual Raspberry Pi. As Raspbian is based on Debian, the following information holds true for general packaging for…


Eclipse Paho MQTT JavaScript Documentation

Unfortunately the official Eclipse page which you  can easily find using Google does NOT link to the documentation proper (at least not as far as I can see it). The link to the documentation itself is this: https://www.eclipse.org/paho/files/jsdoc/Paho.MQTT.Client.html Happy coding.


Fixing Uncaught ReferenceError: Vue is not defined with webpack

I am moving to a workflow using WebPack, which bundles code. While transitioning, I stumbled across this error: Uncaught ReferenceError: Vue is not defined at eval (external “Vue”?548a:1) at Object.<anonymous> (pcp_mainbundle.js:172) at __webpack_require__ (pcp_mainbundle.js:20) at eval (pcpVue.js?6cb8:1) at Object.<anonymous> (pcp_mainbundle.js:196) at __webpack_require__ (pcp_mainbundle.js:20) at eval (pcpMain.js?814e:1) at Object.<anonymous> (pcp_mainbundle.js:189) at __webpack_require__ (pcp_mainbundle.js:20) at Object.<anonymous> (pcp_mainbundle.js:181)…


vue.js history vs hash mode on a subpath

In case you are mounting your vue Router not on the root page, but a “subpath”, there is an important difference in the behavior of Vue Router in history and hash mode. History mode If you want, for example, to use https://picockpit.local/debug/ to have the Vue Router live on, in history mode: The following routes…


How to use catch all routes with Kemal

For a Vue.js single page application – at least on a SUB URL of our page – we want a catch all on our server, which will always render the same template / HTML output to the browser. Kemal is internally based on Radix for routing: https://github.com/luislavena/radix Radix has a Catch All / Glob character:…


VerneMQ how to disconnect clients forceably per command line

There is a command vmq-admin session show which will show you the currently connected clients: Unfortunately, this output is truncated for a total width of 80 characters (no matter how many would fit) and there is currently no indication that it is. See this VerneMQ Github issue: https://github.com/vernemq/vernemq/issues/1200 To disconnect clients you need the client_id…
