Ab sofort Pi 4 / 2 GB zum Pi 4 / 1 GB Preis

Dank des Raspberry Pi Geburtstags haben wir jetzt wieder mehr Leistung zum gleichen Preis: Die Raspberry Pi Trading hat den Pi 4 / 2 GB im Preis reduziert! Das 2 GB Modell kostet jetzt genauso viel wie das 1 GB Modell. Jetzt bei buyzero.de Raspberry Pi 4 kaufen.  


Fixing Uncaught ReferenceError: Vue is not defined with webpack

I am moving to a workflow using WebPack, which bundles code. While transitioning, I stumbled across this error: Uncaught ReferenceError: Vue is not defined at eval (external “Vue”?548a:1) at Object.<anonymous> (pcp_mainbundle.js:172) at __webpack_require__ (pcp_mainbundle.js:20) at eval (pcpVue.js?6cb8:1) at Object.<anonymous> (pcp_mainbundle.js:196) at __webpack_require__ (pcp_mainbundle.js:20) at eval (pcpMain.js?814e:1) at Object.<anonymous> (pcp_mainbundle.js:189) at __webpack_require__ (pcp_mainbundle.js:20) at Object.<anonymous> (pcp_mainbundle.js:181)…


vue.js history vs hash mode on a subpath

In case you are mounting your vue Router not on the root page, but a “subpath”, there is an important difference in the behavior of Vue Router in history and hash mode. History mode If you want, for example, to use https://picockpit.local/debug/ to have the Vue Router live on, in history mode: The following routes…


How to use catch all routes with Kemal

For a Vue.js single page application – at least on a SUB URL of our page – we want a catch all on our server, which will always render the same template / HTML output to the browser. Kemal is internally based on Radix for routing: https://github.com/luislavena/radix Radix has a Catch All / Glob character:…


Kyocera FS-4200DN nicht original Toner drücken Sie die Tasten OK und Abbrechen gleichzeitig

Heute hat mein Kyocera FS-4200DN die Warnung angezeigt (sinngemäß) “Toner ist nicht original. Der Hersteller kann keine Verantwortung übernehmen. Drücken Sie die Tasten OK und Abbrechen mindestens 3 Sekunden gleichzeitig um fortzufahren.” Diese Warnung wird angezeigt nachdem man den Knopf “Hilfe” drückt. Das Problem was mich verwirrt hat: der angezeigte Dialog zeigt auch eine Taste…


picockpit.com new version v.0.11.0 is live!

This new version of picockpit.com supports live streaming of MQTT measurement data from your Pi to your webinterface (desktop or mobile). By clicking on the info icon, you can see the public and private IPs, the serial number and the Pi model: The online state of the Pi is displayed with the online badge. Currently…


PiCockpit preview: Sensors

Preview This is in the upcoming version of PiCockpit: All these values are updated live (currently each second) using MQTT messages to PiCockpit. The value for Root partition total available is static, as it is the total size of the root partition. Some values are rendered in a prettier (but less precise) view in the…
