Raspberry Pi Blog
LetsTrust TPM SLB 9670VQ2.0 or SLB 9670XQ2.0?
A customer approached us about the difference between SLB 9670VQ2.0 and SLB 9670XQ2.0. VQ has a standard temperature range of (-20 .. +85°C), and XQ is the enhanced temperature range version (-40 .. + 85°C). As the Raspberry Pi itself has a standard temperature range, we use the VQ version on the LetsTrust TPM.
WeiterlesenElektronik-Gehäuse & Platinenabmessungen Standards
Abmessungen Raspberry Pi Ein Raspberry Pi 3B+ hat, als Vergleich, die Abmessungen: 85 mm x 56 mm für die Basisplatine. (USB & LAN, sowie andere Stecker ragen teilweise über die Platine hinaus). Hutschiene / DIN-Schiene Hutschiene: TS35, U-förmiges Profil. Standarisierte Befestigungsschiene für Gehäuse, Racks, Schaltschränke, u.s.w. Sie wird vielfach in der Industrie eingesetzt. Einer der…
WeiterlesenPackaging Python projects for Debian / Raspbian with dh-virtualenv
This article aims to explain some things to developers which don’t use Python a lot, and might struggle with some of the concepts otherwise. I highly recommend the lecture of the following article as an introduction to the concepts discussed here: https://www.dabapps.com/blog/introduction-to-pip-and-virtualenv-python/ pypi.org pypi.org is an official repository of software for the Python programming language.…
WeiterlesenCreating a Raspbian repository
If you want to host your own Raspbian repository, this article is for you. A Raspbian repository consists of a special directory structure on a webserver. The files, including the packages, are all static – therefore this repository could also simply be hosted on an Amazon S3 instance, for example. The sources.list entry in Raspbian…
WeiterlesenTEK-Berry RAL light grey color comparison to official Pi Zero W case
The official Pi Zero W case is white, whereas the default TEK-BERRY sold as white is in reality RAL light-grey – a bit darker than white. Here’s two pictures. When placed side by side you can see the difference, otherwise it is hard to tell that the case is not indeed 100 % white: The…
WeiterlesenBeamer Recherche
Beamer Recherche Technologien LCD Je Farbe ein LCD Panel, werden zusammen projiziert (Licht wird durch die LCD Paneele hindurchprojiziert) zweitbeste Kontrastwerte Gut für Helligkeit. Nachteile: · Fliegengitter-Effekt (“screen door effect”) · staubempfindlich · LCD-Memory-Effekt (Einbrennen) DLP nutzt kleine Spiegel auf einem Chip, um Licht an / aus zu modulieren. Meiste Modelle haben ein Farbrad um…
WeiterlesenVorteile von Android™ vs. Linux
Technische Grundlagen Android™ basiert auf dem Linux-Kernel, optimiert ihn aber besonders auf embedded Systeme & mobile Plattformen. Android nutzt den Linux Kernel mit einigen Anpassungen. Es unterscheidet sich jedoch grundlegend von üblichen Linux Distributionen, wie bspw. Debian / Raspbian / Alpine Linux. Üblicherweise nutzen Distributionen die GNU C Bibliothek (glibc), und einen X server (bspw.…
WeiterlesenQ&A LetsTrust TPM
This is a series of questions and answers for our LetsTrust TPM module. If you have an industrial project, and are looking at 100+ units, we’re happy to work with you to modify the product, if necessary. Contact us for details. Is there the possibility to support the TPM module on the Linux Kernel 3.1?…
WeiterlesenWLAN password Anonymebox 3B+
Usually the WLAN password for the Anonymebox 3B+ is set to a random password during manufacturing. It is shipped to you with a silver label, carrying the WLAN password on it which is set. If you order the image, or upgrade from an earlier Anonymebox firmware, there is a default password which is set. The…
WeiterlesenAlpine 3.9.0 initramfs init changes
Alpine 3.9.0 ships a new version of the init script in it’s initramfs. left: Alpine 3.9.0, right: Alpine 3.8.2 There are a number of interesting changes: better and earlier networking support for the boot process, with an additional kernel parameter for cmdline.txt: BOOTIF, allowing you to specify the device interface you want to use for…