envoy.yaml example for http and https rewriting

This is an early example of working with envoy. I find the documentation to be difficult to get into, therefore I will try to track my progress by infrequent blog posts on the matter. The following envoy.yaml works for me for http and https rewriting to google: static_resources:   listeners:   – address:       socket_address:         address:         port_value:…


Exception: Unexpected quote at 1:2 (CSV::MalformedCSVError) Crystal

While trying to parse an Amazon pay file, I stumbled across this particular problem: Exception: Unexpected quote at 1:2 (CSV::MalformedCSVError) The reason: Amazon Pay encodes it’s files in UTF-8 with BOM. The BOM is an optional (in UTF-8 files) marker. You can see it with the tool xxd for instance xxd apolish_amazon_2018DecMonthlyTransaction.csv | less The…


Install Crystal on Docker: how to add the Crystal repository to Docker in the Dockerfile

Dockerfile (excerpt) ENV APT_KEY_DONT_WARN_ON_DANGEROUS_USAGE=DontWarn RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \          software-properties-common \          build-essential \         libevent-dev \         libssl-dev \         libxml2-dev \         libyaml-dev \         libgmp-dev \         libreadline-dev \         apt-transport-https \         iputils-ping \         git \         aptitude \         nano \         openssh-server \         && apt-key adv –keyserver keys.gnupg.net –recv-keys 09617FD37CC06B54 \         && add-apt-repository ‘deb https://dist.crystal-lang.org/apt crystal…


Alpine boot process on the Raspberry Pi

Today we will have a look at the Alpine Linux boot process on a Raspberry Pi in some detail. The picture shows the contents of a “virgin” SD card with the Alpine image, which has not been booted yet. This picture shows the contents of the boot folder. Initial boot Stages on the Raspberry Pi…


PiDoctor, a free online tool to check Raspberry Pi computers

PiDoctor is a free online tool to check Raspberry Pi computers and display the information in an clear way to users. PiDoctor is part of picockpit.com, a growing collection of tools to support Raspberry Pi single board computer users. Leipzig, January 10, 2019 – pi3g e.K., an approved Reseller of Raspberry Pi computers for Germany,…


nlplug-findfs documentation

nlplugfs-findfs usage: %s [options] DEVICE options: -a OUTFILE add paths to found apkovls to OUTFILE -b OUTFILE add found boot repositories to OUTFILE -c CRYPTDEVICE run cryptsetup luksOpen when CRYPTDEVICE is found -h show this help -H HEADERDEVICE use HEADERDEVICE as the LUKS header -k CRYPTKEY path to keyfile -m CRYPTNAME use CRYPTNAME name for…


OfficeTabLoader.Dll Initialization error 4

I’ve bought and installed OfficeTabLoader, as I work A LOT with office documents – don’t know why I didn’t come up with the idea to optimize this before! Anyways, right out of the box I get this Initialization error 4 from OfficeTabLoader.Dll. It turns out that my Antivirus Software (Bitdefender) is the problem: This works…


Crystal libevent-2.0.so.5: cannot open shared object file

Today I upgraded my Ubuntu to 18.04. Compiling a file with Crystal gives me the following error: stderr:     /root/.cache/crystal/usr-share-crystal-src-ecr-process.cr/macro_run: error while loading shared libraries: libevent-2.0.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory The library in question, libevent-2.0.so.5 has been superseded by libevent-2.1.so.6 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libevent-2.1.so.6 Crystal is of course aware of this…


Interview with Simon Long of Raspberry Pi about the Raspberry Pi Desktop, UI design, and much more!

Important background information: this interview was done in early July 2018, so some applications to which Simon refers might already be released, etc. Max: This is the interview with Simon Long of the Raspberry Pi Foundation who is mainly responsible for Raspbian the desktop OS. Simon: That’s right. Max: Many applications like VeraCrypt release binaries…
