Update picockpit-client for compatibility with v2.0

The new PiCockpit release has many new features, which require a new picockpit-client version (at least v2.0.1) for compatibility. What do you get by upgrading the picockpit-client / using PiCockpit v2.0? GPIO: control GPIO pins (input / output / software PWM to dim LEDs for example) PiControl: run commands on your Pi from the webinterface…


Packaging Python projects for Debian / Raspbian with dh-virtualenv

This article aims to explain some things to developers which don’t use Python a lot, and might struggle with some of the concepts otherwise. I highly recommend the lecture of the following article as an introduction to the concepts discussed here: https://www.dabapps.com/blog/introduction-to-pip-and-virtualenv-python/ pypi.org pypi.org is an official repository of software for the Python programming language.…


Creating a Raspbian repository

If you want to host your own Raspbian repository, this article is for you. A Raspbian repository consists of a special directory structure on a webserver. The files, including the packages, are all static – therefore this repository could also simply be hosted on an Amazon S3 instance, for example. The sources.list entry in Raspbian…


Interview with Simon Long of Raspberry Pi about the Raspberry Pi Desktop, UI design, and much more!

Important background information: this interview was done in early July 2018, so some applications to which Simon refers might already be released, etc. Max: This is the interview with Simon Long of the Raspberry Pi Foundation who is mainly responsible for Raspbian the desktop OS. Simon: That’s right. Max: Many applications like VeraCrypt release binaries…
