Posts Tagged ‘Raspberry Pi OS’
Update picockpit-client for compatibility with v2.0
The new PiCockpit release has many new features, which require a new picockpit-client version (at least v2.0.1) for compatibility. What do you get by upgrading the picockpit-client / using PiCockpit v2.0? GPIO: control GPIO pins (input / output / software PWM to dim LEDs for example) PiControl: run commands on your Pi from the webinterface…
WeiterlesenHow to bring up the camera and display on a compute module carrier board
We have developed our own Compute Module Carrier Board, called PCCB. It is compatible with Raspberry Pi Compute Modules 1 – 3 Plus, and has a number of very useful features for industrial use (RS232, CAN Bus, RS485, TPM, DC/DC Stepdown). Today, I verified the camera and 7’’ display interface which we provide on the…