LetsTrust TPM

LetsTrust TPM ist eine Aufsteck-Platine mit elektronischen Komponenten in den Abmessungen 12 mm x 15 mm x 5 mm. Sie ist zum Einsatz mit dem Raspberry Pi Einplatinencomputer vorgesehen. Die Hauptkomponente von LetsTrust TPM  ist ein Kryptographie-Chip, der Infineon Optiga™ SLB 9670 TPM 2.0. Die anderen Komponenten auf LetsTrust TPM sind passive Komponenten, sowie eine…


Our product LetsTrust TPM

This is a quick overview of our product, LetsTrust TPM. The LetsTrust TPM has been available for over 2 years, and has been widely accepted in the market. How does it look? (Raspberry Pi for demonstration purposes, not included) What does it do? This is a module which includes a cryptographic chip by Infineon (an…


LetsTrust TPM SLB 9670VQ2.0 or SLB 9670XQ2.0?

A customer approached us about the difference between SLB 9670VQ2.0 and SLB 9670XQ2.0. VQ has a standard temperature range of (-20 .. +85°C), and XQ is the enhanced temperature range version (-40 .. + 85°C). As the Raspberry Pi itself has a standard temperature range, we use the VQ version on the LetsTrust TPM.
