Debugging VerneMQ connection / authentication problems for dual authentication with webhooks and vmq_diversity

TL;DR includes a statement which will block authentication / authorization through any other channels if your Lua script returns “false”: will lead to: instead of trying other plugins, as you might have assumed! In order to avoid this problem, simply do not return anything from your Lua script, if you do not want to…


envoy not connecting to VerneMQ for MQTT over websockets, error code 503

Some quick background information for anyone running into the same issues, and how to debug them. Error code 503 This is the error code I am getting: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 503. Set envoy logging to debug Here’s my docker-compose.yaml for envoy: version: ‘3.7’ services:   envoy:     build:       context: ./       dockerfile: Dockerfile     container_name:…


envoy, docker and websockets – debugging and configuration

Websockets are an exciting technology, allowing you to upgrade a HTTP connection to a long-running persistent binary connection, which you can use to send bi-directional messages. As an aside, the MQTT protocol can be transported using websockets – which is the only (?) way for a JavaScript client delivered by the website, for instance. In…
