Controlling LEDs on Alpine Linux using the command line

We have developed an embedded Raspberry Pi Compute Module carrier board for industrial use: the PCCB. As you can see, there are three (directly) user programmable LEDs on the PCCB: USER / INFO / ACT. These are defined in the device tree. For example, we can define the following in our device tree overlay: //LEDs…


Debugging the Alpine boot process

As discussed in my previous post, Alpine Linux goes through several stages when it boots. Just after mounting the boot media, and scanning it for apkovl’s (with nlplug-findfs), there is an option for you to get a console, by setting $SINGLEMODE to yes. Setting SINGLEMODE to yes is easy, you simply add the word “single”…


Alpine boot process on the Raspberry Pi

Today we will have a look at the Alpine Linux boot process on a Raspberry Pi in some detail. The picture shows the contents of a “virgin” SD card with the Alpine image, which has not been booted yet. This picture shows the contents of the boot folder. Initial boot Stages on the Raspberry Pi…


nlplug-findfs documentation

nlplugfs-findfs usage: %s [options] DEVICE options: -a OUTFILE add paths to found apkovls to OUTFILE -b OUTFILE add found boot repositories to OUTFILE -c CRYPTDEVICE run cryptsetup luksOpen when CRYPTDEVICE is found -h show this help -H HEADERDEVICE use HEADERDEVICE as the LUKS header -k CRYPTKEY path to keyfile -m CRYPTNAME use CRYPTNAME name for…
