Historische Texte

Als Teil der Überarbeitung der pi3g.com Webseite, in Vorbereitung auf den Launch der Google Coral.AI und AIY Produktreihe, habe ich unsere Webseite auf Englisch umgestellt. Hier als Referenz einige der Texte die wir früher hatten: Wir sind als Raspberry Pi Foundation approved reseller, sowie einer von zwei deutschen Pi Zero Distributoren Ihr starker Partner rund…



20.888 is the total number of Raspberry Pi we (pi3g e.K.) sold last year (2019). Thank you to all our customers, resellers and partners.


Dealing with NIL in JSON::Any in Crystal Lang

One of the challenges when developing with Crystal is that it is not as forgiving about data types as, say, Python or Ruby. nil will keep you occupied. The following error message: cast from Nil to String failed, at /usr/share/crystal/src/json/any.cr:220:5:220 can be solved by: # cast to string, THEN check if it is nil if…


Chromium exit code -5

While running Chromium with chromium-browser –display=:0 https://www.picockpit.com will allow you to start Chromium from an SSH connection (and it will output to the main display in the X Server), this will fail when you try to run it with subprocess.Popen in Python: “command”: [“chromium-browser”, “–display=:0”, “https://picockpit.com”] (this is part of the JSON format I have…


secure command execution with Python: subprocess.Popen

Security is important for me while developing the picockpit-client. The following applies to Linux systems (but probably is applicable to all Unix like systems, including macOS) Python allows to run external commands using the subprocess module. import subprocess In the upcoming version of PiCockpit, users will be able to create their own buttons (simply editing…
