Vorteile von Android™ vs. Linux

Technische Grundlagen Android™ basiert auf dem Linux-Kernel, optimiert ihn aber besonders auf embedded Systeme & mobile Plattformen. Android nutzt den Linux Kernel mit einigen Anpassungen. Es unterscheidet sich jedoch grundlegend von üblichen Linux Distributionen, wie bspw. Debian / Raspbian / Alpine Linux. Üblicherweise nutzen Distributionen die GNU C Bibliothek (glibc), und einen X server (bspw.…


Q&A LetsTrust TPM

This is a series of questions and answers for our LetsTrust TPM module. If you have an industrial project, and are looking at 100+ units, we’re happy to work with you to modify the product, if necessary. Contact us for details. Is there the possibility to support the TPM module on the Linux Kernel 3.1?…


WLAN password Anonymebox 3B+

Usually the WLAN password for the Anonymebox 3B+ is set to a random password during manufacturing. It is shipped to you with a silver label, carrying the WLAN password on it which is set. If you order the image, or upgrade from an earlier Anonymebox firmware, there is a default password which is set. The…


Alpine 3.9.0 initramfs init changes

Alpine 3.9.0 ships a new version of the init script in it’s initramfs. left: Alpine 3.9.0, right: Alpine 3.8.2 There are a number of interesting changes: better and earlier networking support for the boot process, with an additional kernel parameter for cmdline.txt: BOOTIF, allowing you to specify the device interface you want to use for…


Debugging the Alpine boot process

As discussed in my previous post, Alpine Linux goes through several stages when it boots. Just after mounting the boot media, and scanning it for apkovl’s (with nlplug-findfs), there is an option for you to get a console, by setting $SINGLEMODE to yes. Setting SINGLEMODE to yes is easy, you simply add the word “single”…


kemal-session does not persist data

https://github.com/kemalcr/kemal-session Analyse what is happening with your session cookie. In my case, the session cookie was reset everytime I went to login. I realized, that my idea of cleaning up the old session as a first statement after successful login, before setting up the new session is not a good idea. I suspect, that the…


Using modules in crystal

As your application grows, you would like to move from one big .cr file to separating your code into smaller files. You can use require from your main .cr file to add code from other files: require “./tools/*” This statement will add code from the tools directory, relative to your main .cr file. This will…
