machine learning

The AI revolution is here: machine learning for everyone with Google Coral AI & Google AIY
Google empowers makers, creators and entrepreneurs everywhere with their hardware products to include fast artificial intelligence / machine learning solutions into their products and applications.
Using Tensor Flow Lite, Python and your favorite OS (Linux / MacOS / Windows), you can get started easily and create real-time solutions.
Thanks to a growing community, and wide-spread support for the TensorFlow library, you don't need to start from scratch for your project. Use pre-compiled models, and build on a solid foundation.
The Google products are based on the Google Coral Edge TPU - an optimized ASIC to run TensorFlow Lite models efficiently and quickly. The TPU does the same for AI/ML applications as the GPU for 3D graphics.
pi3g e.K. is an official distributor for Google Coral & AIY in Europe
Cupcake Edge AI Server
Unigen’s Cupcake Edge AI Server delivers a solid platform for Machine Learning and Inference AI in a compact and metal enclosure. With the right combination of I/O Interfaces and expansion capabilities to capture and process video and multiple types of signals through its POE ports and then to deliver the processed data to the client either over a wired or wireless network. Supporting Neural Networks from the leading ISV providers, Unigen’s Cupcake delivers the flexibility to allow custom solutions.
Business consulting & volume inquiries
We are growing a network of resellers and consulting / development companies, which are capable of realizing the benefits of Machine Learning for you, and help you to drive profitability, turnover, and assist you with integrating big data-driven machine learning applications into your business workflow.
We believe that AI / ML are the next big thing to hit computer science, and we and our partners are here to support you on your journey!
Please get in touch with us today to discuss your needs and how our partners and ourselves can support you and your business.
Education discounts
We support the development of ML & AI applications and teaching within schools, universities, and other educational institutionsthrough discounted products, networking within the industry, and in any other way we can, really 🙂
We believe that AI / ML are the next big thing to hit computer science, and educators are at the forefront of this revolution, bringing us exciting new applications and solutions for challenging global problems!
Please get in touch with us today to discuss your needs and how we can support you and your institution.