welcome to pi3g

your european partner for raspberry pi & machine learning

We are a Raspberry Pi approved reseller, and one of only two Pi Zero W distributors in Germany. With our strong technical background we are a solid choice as your partner for anything Raspberry Pi related in Germany, Europe and beyond.

Starting in 2020 we have also become one of Google's select worldwide partners for distribution of their Coral.AI lineup. We believe artificial intelligence / machine learning is the way forward in the future.

Get in touch with us today, to see how your business can benefit from single board computing and embedded machine learning - go beyond and way ahead of your competition.


the story behind pi3g

Back in 2012 the story of Maximilian and the Raspberry Pi started. He was excited when he got his first Pi and also saw the great potential for further development in it.
Then PiCockpit was born to make using and managing the Pi easier and more accessible for everyone.
Maximilian has always been interested in computers and believed that they are a lever to improve everything in the world - for example in medicine.
Over the years, Maximilian's work has grown and new fields of expertise have emerged...


In our blog you can expect blog posts about technology and business topics, of course about the Raspberry Pi, but also a wide variety of topics related to Industrie 4.0, IoT, and machine learning - for example about the popular MQTT protocol, Python and Linux embedded development, and much more. Blog entries are not scheduled and not in particular order - the topics are an eclectic mix of what comes up in real life of a company engaged in machine learning & Raspberry Pi embedded adventures.

We are happy to write about special topics that are not so well-documented elsewhere.
If you have any suggestions, we are happy to discuss current topics with you and are always ready to brainstorm workable solutions with you.

Please feel free to contact us 🙂

vue.js history vs hash mode on a subpath

By Maximilian Batz | 2020-02-24

In case you are mounting your vue Router not on the root page, but a “subpath”, there is an important difference in the behavior of Vue Router in history and hash mode.History modeIf you want, for example, to use https://picockpit.local/debug/ to have the Vue Router live on, in history mode:The following routes{ path: ‘/’, component:…

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How to use catch all routes with Kemal

By Maximilian Batz | 2020-02-23

For a Vue.js single page application – at least on a SUB URL of our page – we want a catch all on our server, which will always render the same template / HTML output to the browser. Kemal is internally based on Radix for routing: https://github.com/luislavena/radix Radix has a Catch All / Glob character:…

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Kyocera FS-4200DN nicht original Toner drücken Sie die Tasten OK und Abbrechen gleichzeitig

By Maximilian Batz | 2020-02-19

Heute hat mein Kyocera FS-4200DN die Warnung angezeigt (sinngemäß) “Toner ist nicht original. Der Hersteller kann keine Verantwortung übernehmen. Drücken Sie die Tasten OK und Abbrechen mindestens 3 Sekunden gleichzeitig um fortzufahren.” Diese Warnung wird angezeigt nachdem man den Knopf “Hilfe” drückt. Das Problem was mich verwirrt hat: der angezeigte Dialog zeigt auch eine Taste…

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Paho MQTT Client (Javascript), Envoy, VerneMQ: debugging disconnects

By Maximilian Batz | 2019-09-08

After deploying picockpit to my server, a bug was observed: the web frontend would disconnect in very regular intervals. This had not been present on the local development environment. Users of picockpit reported the same bug. I have debugged it today, and applied a hotfix. It turns out it was a timing issue. TL;DR how…

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