Shopify: enable access to webhook creation for staff

Unfortunately this is not documented on Shopify’s own help. To give staff members (e.g. developers) permission to add webhooks on Shopify, they need the Store Settings / Manage settings permission, possibly also “View customer events” and “Manage and add custom pixels” and “Store policies” permissions: setting these up in addition to App development helped my…


Code der Aufschubart im Aufschub-BIN-Antrag

Ich bin gerade dabei für unsere neu umstrukturierte Firmierung, pi3g GmbH & Co. KG den Zahlungsaufschub zu beantragen. Bei dem Formular 0873, dem Aufschub-BIN-Antrag, war mir der Wert den ich in “Code für die Aufschubart” einfüllen muss unklar. Eine Google-Suche hat nichts sinnvolles ergeben, außer dem Hinweis “ Bitte tragen Sie hier den Code für…


Kemal routing redirecting a subtree

This code snippet shows you how to redirect an entire subtree and remove the first part of the subtree. This might come in useful, for example when you have outside links referencing different languages (e.g. /de /fr /it) and content paths in them, and you want to serve everything from the same endpoints. Crystal Lang…


Using plink (Pageant) on Windows 10 with Git for Windows

The current Git for Windows installer does not allow me to select Tortoise Plink during the installation, as was described here on Stackoverflow. Instead I followed the installation, and set an environment variable. Select “Use bundled OpenSSH” here. search for “enviro” in the Windows search. (my screenshot is in German, but it will find the…


mailerlite API error code 422 for subscribers endpoint

Today, I was implementing the interfacing between and the Mailerlite API (which we use aus our newsletter software). I got the following error message: The POST request was returning 422 as status code. Unfortunately there is little documentation about that on Mailerlite. My implementation was correct (this is Crystal Lang by the way):…


npm Webpack code ELIFECYCLE errno 1

When building the PiCockpit frontend code (which is packaged using Webpack) on a different computer, I ran into the following issue: cross-env NODE_ENV=production webpack –progress –hide-modules –mode=productiontype: ‘object’,additionalProperties: true,properties: {apply: {description: ‘The run point of the plugin, required method.’,instanceof: ‘Function’,tsType: “(compiler: import(‘../lib/Compiler’)) => void”}},required: [ ‘apply’ ]}},title: ‘WebpackOptions’,description: ‘Options object as provided by the user.’,type:…
